The Soda Pop
Tags: BEST, kids, new

Indian Toy Reviews

Established in 2011, Mediakix is the leading influencer marketing agency connecting the world's top brands with passionate socially-engaged audiences through social media influencers, influencer marketing, YouTube influencers (YouTubers,” YouTube creators), top lifestyle bloggers, and Instagram influencers ("Instagrammers”).
YouTube is home to millions of hours of children's entertainment †part of the 400 hours of video uploaded to the service every minute †ranging from CBeebies and Disney to the incomprehensibly successful Little Baby Bum , a UK-based YouTube-native children's channel devoted to 3D animated songs and nursery rhymes for pre-schoolers in numerous languages.

This phenomenon of child content creators is more often seen in countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan, where children as young as four are reviewing toys and games, releasing music videos and dishing out beauty tips online.
To help protect against seriously dubious videos, you can enable restricted mode , bearing in mind that this will apply to only the browser Toy reviews or device you're using when you set it. Like YouTube Kids, this filters out content flagged as inappropriate for children under 13.

For the last 18 weeks and counting, Ryan ToysReview has been the most popular channel on YouTube in the US, and the second largest in the world, a bigger attraction than household names like PewDiePie and Justin Bieber, and media empires like BuzzFeed, The Tonight Show, and the WWE.
However, there's a marked absence of actual controls to limit the kind of content your child sees, even by language, so if you'd rather avoid American versions of nursery rhymes, block children's channels that focus on unwrapping sweets, or just never want to hear the Finger Family song again, you're out of luck.
Watch as we share our family's sweet experiences, nutty adventures and true to life moments that just might make you say, "Oh, fudge!" Our videos feature our home-schooling family of six as we travel, visit family friendly places, try new foods, and vlog the every day nutty-ness of our lives.
Of course this stuff can't hold a candle to original kids' comics and cartoon series — say, a classic like Hanna-Barbera's Wacky Races — which generations of children past consumed in place of freebie content on YouTube because, well, ad-funded, self-sorting, free-to-access digital technology platforms didn't exist then.
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